How to add BTC LITE (BTCL) to Mist and MyEtherWallet

How to add BTC Lite token to Mist?

1. Select “Contracts” from the top menu, after opening Ethereum Wallet/Mist.

2. Select “Watch Tokens”

3. Under “Token Contract Address” enter: 0x5acd19b9c91e596b1f062f18e3d02da7ed8d1e50

The rest of the information will auto-fill. Your BTCL Tokens will then be visible at the bottom of the menu.

How to add BTC Lite token to

While BTCL is now automatically recognized by MyEtherWallet, follow these steps only if your BTCL tokens are not visible.

Unlock your wallet.
Click “Add Custom Token” on the right side.
Enter the address 0x5acd19b9c91e596b1f062f18e3d02da7ed8d1e50
Symbol BTCL
Enter the decimals as 8
Click “Save”.

Previously posted here.